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4.1. Tujuan desain database.

           Database (database) is a collection of data that are related to each
other, stored in stash out computers and specific software used to
manipulate it. The database is one of the important components in
information systems, because it serves as a base for the information
provider of the wearer. Penerapa databases in information systems is
this is an information system that integrates a collection of data that
called with the database system. The system database (database system) are interconnected with each other and make it available to multiple
information generated can be fulfilled properly. There are several
applications varying in an organization. The purpose of the database design is to determine the required data in the system, so that reasons why database design needs to do, one is to avoid the repetition
lossless. Needed if there are indications that a table that we created
of the data. As for the methods to manage the repetition of data (data redudancy) with, among others:
a. Normalization.
b. decomposition is is not good (the repetition of information, the potential for inconsistency of data conversion operations, its specific information)
and is needed so that if the tables are decomposed we merge return can generate the table before decomposed, so the retrieved table.
c. ERD
(Entity Relationship Diagram).
d. Determining kardinalitas


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